Lesson #4 – Score Your Relationship

Beyond Our Love – Self-reflection worksheet:
Scoring the 12 Essential Commandments for preserving the exceptional relationship.

Many times it is the variety and accumulation of circumstances that develop into becoming the root cause for challenging the relationship. This exercise will assist each person in identifying what is and isn’t working so that you can honor each other with the proper intention.


  1. Your Beyond Our Love worksheet

Lesson objective: The ability to listen to a large variety of topics that just might be existing within your relationship.

Instruction: Each person should complete their worksheet separately. Then come together as a special occasion to compare responses, such as a date night. Approach your time together as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Your Beyond Our Love worksheet is available upon your purchase for downloading. Your instructions are easily presented on the cover page of your worksheet.

The ease to this process is that each person reviews and scores their own document and then returns as a couple sharing and comparing the results.

Beyond Our Love, the calibration exercise demonstrating how each person in the relationship is really doing.