Lesson #4 – Review Side-by-Side Comparison’s

See the bigger picture and change your life.

You should have received your Side-by-Side report shortly after completing each person’s  ProScan survey in Lesson #1.

Ideal setting:
We suggest you read your report and then come together to discuss the results. This is a great date night activity with your favorite food and beverage. Make this an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Lesson objective:
The ability to visually compare the similarities and differences to clarify how one another interacts.

Topics covered:
Discuss and complete the Talking Points on each page of your Side-by-Side report.

Putting your lessons into practice:
Be intentional about what you’ve learned by developing outstanding relational habits.

Lifestyle commitment:
Once you’ve completed this lesson, you have just begun a new chapter; improving relationships is a continual mindset. Return to this lesson or your reports and materials until you’ve mastered your objectives.