Happy Healthy Relationship Tips for Couples

Relationships are fragile because of circumstances and the natural pressures of life. Juggling the responsibilities of home, careers, children while keeping the spark of togetherness takes a lot of energy.

Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that we easily lose our sense of balance and we learn the hard way that good intentions are sometimes not enough.

Here are 6 tips that maybe you haven’t thought of?

#1 Your feelings are second, if each person pays more attention to how the other feels and what they need… guess what you don’t need another tip.

#2 Puppy love is real to the puppy, meaning, emotional hurt is common and broken feelings are important.

#3 Go to the store and pick out an appropriate card, write a sentence or two sharing your feelings and drop in an old fashion mail box.

#4 Pretend today is your last day together, hold hands and take a break from all of the natural distractions. If today really was your last few hours together how grateful would you be?

#5 No matter how bad it is, God is in control. A humble disposition included with caring actions can help anyone to get through painful circumstances, love and forgiveness is a personal comforter.

#6 Champions practice, they work hard maintaining a schedule to create successful habits so the unnatural becomes more natural. Too often we take  for granted and don’t understand that relationships also need work.

Bottom line: If you are a champion get focused to be the best you can be, if you don’t think you are, then here lies your challenge. You need to find the success in you… no kidding… Check out this to help you to go from where you are to where you NEED to be.

Best regards toward having a happy and healthy relationship.

Who do you know who needs to understand these tips…?
