Now, We Have So Much To Talk About!

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who prefer to read along while watching the video.

Now we have so much to talk about…

For most couples Sex and money are big topics, but probably the number one challenge amongst struggling relationships is effective communications…

Naturally, most couples miss the ability to communicate when it comes to talking about sensitive matters, hoping there will be an easier time to talk, or rather just doing what they want and asking for forgiveness later.

But since you have been accessing the content within this course you’ve probably already observed the potential within the Listen and Learn steps to see how the content will assist you for bridging the communications gap. Making it easier to capture and TALK about sensitive matters.

So come on let’s get started…

Begin by discussing the Relationship Principals audios and how you scored the steps that resonated with each of you.

Next, with your behavioral reports what did you learn about yourself and your special someone? Discuss those topics and how to apply what you’ve learned.

The Side-by-Side comparison report and Talking Points on the bottom of each page, is a great exercise for learning about your behavioral wants and needs.

The Beyond Our Love worksheet exercise is an amazing process for addressing the 12 essential functions like sex, money, and honor.

The Companion Guide is rich with nuggets to help keep your discussions crisp with positive.

Lastly, create the habit to refresh yourself by revisiting your, Listen, Learn and Talk process over-and-over-again until your learned behavior becomes natural.

So, have fun enjoying the peace of mind of improving communications, together, Side-by-Side.